40 Years Ago Today

Jayne Mansfield was
scalped, decapitated or just thrown clear with massive head injuries and died.
Some say that her reincarnated ghost walks these streets still.
Seeing the world through leopard-print glasses
A few times a week Sheena takes the commuter bus service to and fro. Usually it is the same crowd. Some die hard daily recognize that you recognize. At some point the pressure to smile and acknowledge and nod politely kicks in. The Please God Please God don't actually try to make conversation or share a seat line in the sand etched across my face.
In police news today, Cop Not Guilty of Sexual Assault
HAMILTON – A Niagara Regional Police traffic cop, who engaged in a sexual act in the front seat of his cruiser with a woman he pulled during a routine traffic stop, has been found not guilty of sexual assault, but guilty on the second charge of breach of trust while on duty.Now, I dunno about you guys, but this sort of on-duty behaviour amongst Ontario's finest is quite disturbing. One of Sheena's innerdnets compadres commented quite rightly...
Const. Michael Moore, 39, who has worked for the NRP for more than 11 years, will return to the Superior Court of Justice in Hamilton on July 27, for sentencing.
Judge Thomas Lofchik said he was not convinced that the officer forced the complainant to perform oral sex on him or that he concocted a plan for sex.
“As the matters unfolded, there was a greater degree of spontaneity,” said Lofchik.
New Baba's House:
New Baba was my great-grandmother. My Baba's mother. This is the last house she lived in before the whole family sold the farm, packed up and moved to the big city. Sheena was 10 when she died. I still have her hand made rag rugs all over my apartment. They are my most precious possessions. I spoke no Ukrainian and she spoke no English. But I loved her and looking up at her from the perspective of a six year old, her ears looked doughy and translucent just like perogies . When she baby sat us she would make a sourdough type of pancake. To this day no one else in the family can figure out the recipe. Nobody wrote it down before she died.
This is the community centre in Arran, SK. Arran is where the farmer lived who sponsored my grandparents, mother and uncle to come to Canada. They were what were called "DPs" back in the late 40s. Refugees, basically. Baba and Gido got married in a forced labour camp. And that's where Sheena's mom was born.
The Arran farmer had to sign an X because he couldn't write, and have a notary seal his statement that he would not let my family be a burden on the Government of Canada. I saw that document for the first time last winter. And it made Sheena cry.
So far so good. Knock wood.
Sheena's flick pic for this weekend (or next...) for her Toronto readership.
Muffins For Granny (88 mins)
A documentary by Nadia McLaren, 2007
“Muffins For Granny is a remarkably layered, emotionally complex story of personal and cultural survival. McLaren tells the story of her own grandmother by combining precious home movie fragments with the stories of seven elders dramatically affected by their experiences in residential schools. McLaren uses animation with a painterly visual approach to move the audience between the darkness of memory and the reality that these charismatic survivors live in today.”
Congrats to The Star's Madame Zerbisias on the debut of her new gig as "Living Columnist". Sheena is not sure what that says about the other Star columnists, but je digress.
Whether we're talking the Prime Minister's Office, the corner office or a dark corner of the globe, it's a man's world.
But imagine the impact if the Pope kept his umbraculum away from our uteri, or if girls stayed in school until 16, instead of having babies at 14.
Alas, I am not Queen of the Planet – although I will accept your votes. So, until my coronation, here are 10 things, some serious, some not-so-much, that would improve life for women here:
1. No matter how much learning a girl gets, her earnings never match a boy's. Statistics Canada reports that the wage gap for young women with university degrees has barely shrunk.
In 1991, they earned 20 per cent less than their male peers. In 2001, 18 per cent. Maybe women gravitate to jobs that pay less, in the nurturing professions, for example. Maybe they take jobs that allow them to have families instead of going for killer careers.
Either way, they make a contribution that has no monetary value.
So, unless you think an investment banker who deals in e-blips is worth more than a teacher who works with troubled kids, you should not be okay with the disparity.
Then why not some tax breaks?
Start with tampons. The NDP has repeatedly proposed that the GST on them be eliminated.
With "feminine protection" a billion-dollar industry, that's $60 million a year padding the federal coffers, all from women who don't exactly have a choice. (There is no PST on this in Ontario.)
Some people I know close to the situation roll their eyes at Sheena when she expresses moderate affection for the food on Via Rail. First class that is. Come on, now.
While it's no Jamie Kennedy, it sure as hell is better than anything encountered on any North American commercial airline in the last 5 years.
Three trips in the last week, had the same menu twice. Went for the cold plate both dinners after a little freshening up with the microwaved hot towels.
Cheese and fruit plate to start (including dried apricot and figs...)
Beef tenderloin on bed of celeraic slaw, with blue cheese and artichokes.
Fresh fruit for dessert
Oh yeah and a digestif.
But it's all just warm up for the inevitable swoon: the Via Rail chocolate. Still thinking about filing an ATIP request to find the manufacturer. (Once Crown Corps are actually covered by ATIP.. that is...)
Up in the Nation's Capital yesterday just for the day and by 11:00 the team was throwing lunch ideas around.
Sheena does not often stray into topics political, because well, frankly, she deems it to be beneath her, but today I am compelled to link to my original blogmother over at Sooey Says because she's on fire today.
550 Academy Road at Lanark
fusion grill supports Manitoba producers and Canadian wine makers
Many many years ago when the earth still bubbled molten red and black, Sheena did office shit at a restaurant long gone but now replaced by the semi-fabulous Pasta La Vista. Part of me is always looking to trip the place up, but let's face it. They do good quality Italian food, fresh pasta with quality ingredients and clearly somebody is having fun with the wine list.
Ate there twice last week - The Black & White Pasta with Chicken was fantastic. Al dente fettucine, obviously freshly made. Another time had the "Magic Mushrooms". No really... it was wild mushroom ravioli.
If you are downtown Wpg, worth a shot.
Sheena turned to Evita the Girl Dictator and said, "So, can you tell you're not in Kanata anymore?" She turned a bit pale and her eyes widened. Soaking in sub-species not frequently seen in Ottawa suburbs. The Skullet. The CN'R. The Emotionally Crippled Jets Fan. More tats and mullets per square inch than any other postal code. Where you are what you drove in 1988.