St. Augustine Florida is rich with history and legend (not to mention fun pubs and taverns as seen in previous episodes of
SheenaVision. One of the more colourful and mysterious mythical treatments is that of Ponce De Leon and his quest for the
Fountain of Youth. The Fountain of Youth Archeological Site is a tribute to the rich lore of this first apparent landing of Europeans in Florida and has for decades amused and intrigued tourists with stories of "what if".

The walk down the road to the park had the perfect mood of creepy crawly Spanish Moss canopy. The anticipation was palpable and we weren't disappointed when upon the welcome canteen and gift kiosk. Ponce and His Crew. We couldn't be more excited.

So paying the $7US/head, Sheena and El Chaperone set off on a quest for eternal youth. We came across the storied cabin. Inside we found a friendly guide, protecting a hidden trickling stream and apparently ancient stone cross.

Oh. THAT'S IT? Hmm... Geez. Somehow Sheena thought it might look a little more, umm... I dunno. Less toiletish? Am I being too picky? The $7 cover charge included a free drink each. So we gingerly and reverently took the specimen cup into our hands.

Looked deep into each other's eyes. And drank. It tasted like licking a rusty fence. Metallic. Almost like sucking on a papercut. But I could feel the lines lift from my face. The smile break out. A relaxed state of mind take me over.

Oh wait a sec.
I guess that was afterwards ....