Sunday, March 25, 2007

Another Fiasco Dodged

After gobbling some lean and tender loin of pork and swallowing as much as I could... for DINNER you dirty minded bastards. With some garlic and ginger and lime marinade. AND a side salad. Cripes. We moseyed up the street to increasingly regular favourite hangout The Dakota Tavern.

First time we've paid cover charge there, but only $5 so no big deal. Until I realized I had no Canadian cash. But buddy took 5 American 1's so I didn't get ejected.

Sheena's favourite local microbrew these days is the Mill Street Tankhouse. Sounds very homey to me. Lovely flavour, nice complexity. The beer selection at the Dakota is great fun. Even have Cristal in bottles. Beer of the Communist Revolution. But of course I won't drink that. I prefer Batista Bitter.

Musical interlude by the long standing adhoc group
Dodge Fiasco. Oh what fun. Highly recommend catching them if you see a listing. Couldn't find a group Myspace listing or website, but the members are all out and about in a variety of other stuff. Left after the second set because sometimes I am a tired weenie. But will seek them out again.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger 668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

hee hee.. pork. dinner.

but it sounds incredibly yummy and i could go for a nice microbrew right now.

i had apple pie for dinner. is that wrong? :)

At 8:25 PM, Blogger tkkerouac said...

I'm hungry after reading your post.
Sorry about the link Sheena, Pixie is remodeling again, with a dropdown archive type link. She wants me to send all the links with your URL, could you send it to me, my hotmail is

At 11:07 AM, Blogger petite gourmand said...

I'm into Mill street beer myself these days.
though, I'm a bit more of a girly girl and usually pick up a six pack of the mini organic lager bottles.
they now have a restaurant/pub and it was not bad.
still have to get to the Dakota for brunch.


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