Contraband Cheese
Yes, SheenaVision fans, tis true. What you see pictorialized today is smuggled cheese. Each creamy bit just a little bit contraband. Every sharp pungent sliver a criminally tasty morsel.
An unexpected stumble upon a Whole Foods en route to BWI on Friday afternoon, and in Sheena caved. Like a sink hole on a Florida highway. Like Stephan Dion on a point of principle. Like Nick and a bad seed.
Wrapped in double plastic and carefully placed into the loving cradle of the OSB, nary a dog sniff tipped me off to The Man.
Today's featured selections:
Hendricks Farms, Telford PA - the Cheddar Blue (top). Neat. A blend of - duh - cheddar and blue. Microproduction. Check out the Hendricks site for ecologically friendly animal sensitive practices and philosophy.
Humboldt Fog from Cypress Grove Not new to SheenaVision - was the first one to disappear (bottom). Let it stand at room temperature for a few hours, until it was dripping and forming a foggy white puddle all over my slate board. As I lay awake on Saturday night, I fantasized about a big hunk of Humboldt Fog taking a swing at my Bouq Emissaire, fighting for the honour of my hand in marriage. The two gooey grey stallions determined to win Sheena's favour. Ok. Ok. Maybe I should have eaten a bit earlier in the evening.
Sotoccenere with Truffles: (right) Semi-soft and aromatic. Nummy in an earthy sophisticated kind of way. Like a louche sweat-pants grey Prada tank top casually half-tucked into jeans.
Neal's Yard Dairy Irish Coolea (left) Almost in Mimolette league, but a not quite as sharp or dry. Probably not aged as long. I like a sharp hard cheese that splinters into shards when you try to cut it. Good without any crackers.