Seeing the world through leopard-print glasses
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Cool Blog Post
Discovered via Hugh McLeod's twitter feed this morning.
Very much describes Sheena's headspace these days.
Happy SheenadaDay Weekend!!!!
Ah... a mere 41 years since the tragic decapitation death of the stunning Jayne Mansfield. As the pretty blonde head rolled down the highway, surely her soul escaped and lodged itself firmly somewhere in the heart of a newly fledged Jungle Queen.
Niagara Wine Country Taste Fest planned for the day. Highlights and pics to follow later.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Retarded Jernalist R Us,2933,373341,00.html
A boy visiting Six Flags Over Georgia in Austell with a church group was decapitated Saturday after he tried to grab someone's foot while on the Batman ride, reported. The incident happened shortly after 2 p.m. when a group of the boys jumped a fence and entered an area that was marked off limits, the station reported. Investigators did not release the boy's name, age or the church group he was traveling with. It isn't clear whether the boy died at the scene or was alive for a time after the incident.
The bolding is Sheena's.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I T Y S #1
"Many low-density suburbs and McMansion subdivisions, including some that are lovely and affluent today, may become what inner cities became in the 1960s and '70s - slums characterized by poverty, crime and decay," said Christopher Leinberger, an urban land use expert, in a recent essay in the Atlantic Monthly.
Thanks Madame Z.... Scary as shit.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Vin Volant

Discovered what the Wall Street journal referred to as "a suave chain of wine bars with first-rate help the buffeted traveler endure aviation hell". That might be pushing it just a tad.. but yes. Dammit, Sheena liked Vino Volo. Found it connecting thru PHL earlier this month.
Per my usual habit, started with the local specialities. I feel compelled to. Sheena's rammed more VQA Canadian wine down unsuspecting visitors throats than has probably been appreciated, so I am obliged to test the local plonk no matter where I am.
So began with a white flight (no.. not a political commentary on Philadelphia... git over yourselves) that included a Buck's County Viognier from Crossing Vineyards, a Lehigh County Vignoles (never heard of that one before) from Blue Mountain and a Chaddsford Delaware County Pinot Grigio. They all pretty much sucked, but were OK in an early 1990s Niagara kind of sweetish bland style. Another 10 years and might be worth a revisit.

I repeat myself, Fuck Off Red Cabbage. You belong in a salad, not beside delicate creamy treasures. Stay with your own kind.

Next up was the Rosé flight. Spanish Rosado from Pirineos, an Argentinian Malbec rosé, Crios de Susana Balbo, rounded out by the French Negrette from Chateau Bellevue La Foret.
Overall winner the Malbec Rose. Tasting notes were pretty good... Cranberry & White Pepper. Stay tuned for Round 2.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
In Other Shocking Science News, Water is Wet
Internet Addiction a Clinical Disorder
He said: "The relationship is with the computer. It becomes a significant other to them. They exhaust emotions that they could experience in the real world on the computer through any number of mechanisms: emailing, gaming, porn."
He added: "It's much more acceptable for kids to talk about game use, whereas adults keep it a secret. Rather than having sex, or arguing with their wife or husband, or feeding their children, these adults are playing games."
... or blogging?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Konservative Kampaign Kommercial
Sheena detests political bloggers who fail to see the absurdity and irrelevance of their subjects, but she cannot resist a hat tip to the entirely inappropriate and generally rude and foul mouthed Canadian Cynic
Welcome to the Canadian general election.
Belated Fredericton Fun Fest

In Fredericton a couple of weeks back. Managed to squeeze in an evening @ Wilser's Room for some non scheduled enjoyment and happily accepted an invitation from a mysterious acquaintance Sheena had met once in Toronto. What ensued was a lovely hop through the bitter business of Maritime microbrews. But within a few sips, anything that aled Sheena had been forgotten, and the troubles paled... "Porter", Sheena shouted, "Carry me home"... before the conversation turned dark, and Sheena and her blonde friend ended up at lagerheads...
God Bless Picaroons
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wine 2.0

Courtesy of Big Red Diary
Burgundy futures as a tag cloud.
Update: Follow up post at Big Red Diary with link to the application that built out the word cloud. Have your own fun...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Ozone Alert in Boston

Todd? Hello? Come on back, guy! Eaten there lately?
Had the Lobster BLT at Ozone Boston Logan this week. Adequate. If it would have been half the price. Mebbe. $16 for some pretty medicore (though crispy enough) fries, 1/2 cup of lobster salad, couple slices of bacon and clearly lethargic and depressed lettuce and tomato token gesture. On "Texas Toast".
But the real entertainment was the staff. 50% Bawston attitude filled whipper snappers in their day mixed in with what Sheena believed to be honestly illiterate wait staff. Almost every single order was mixed up, delivered cold after a 10 minute search for the right seat - that's right.. not table, but bar seat number. Sheena's emotions ranged from amused to ewww ick, like she's not really getting this at all, eh?
The big burly North Carolinian beside me overheard the Spanish half of the staff yelling at each other, turned to me and said "I feel like I'm south of the border here..."
Sheena looked at him, blinked with her baby blues and said "I *am* south of the border here..."
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Baking Chez Sheena
In Response to Cheek

Now THIS is a world wine tour....
Belated Rome window shopping pic. I have visions of my next house in my head.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Pissy Mood Ce Soir
Came home after 3 days in Ottawa to an open fridge door. Mercifully Sheena was already down to bare essentials, so the most costly item to be chucked out was an unopened tube of herbed goat cheese and an opened package of real Mennonite farmer pepperoni sticks.
Thank god the Vodka was in the freezer, else I'd be inconsolable.