The Georgians Might Be On To Something.

1. Fry up a pound of good quality apple wood smoked bacon (carefully, so nice and tidy and straight and crisp).
2. Open a pack of Crown Room sized Nutella.
3. Pick up a warm slice of bacon.
4. Dip bacon into hazelnut chocolate goodness.
5. Eat.

6. Repeat if not keeled over from coronary explosion.
7. Wonder what the big deal about sex is.
Thanks Cheek and St. Lance the Baconator for this lesson in Southern Culture.
No. I'm sorry. I cannot allow that here in Canada. Or even Quebec. You keep your Georgia trailer park ways south of the border.
That is completely disgusting.
I can't believe you stooped that low Sheena....
If I'm ever having one of those stomach-flu-kneeled above-the -toilet moments, and praying to God to get it over with, that picture is a good alternative to sticking my finger down my throat.
What's next....a meat-pie milkshake for Chrissake?
Sheena is profoundly disappointed at the lack of curiousity, joie de vivre and ability to indulge one's decadent side amongst her readers.
Gee, why don't you ask Ricky and Julian what THEY think, Sheena?
This is one of those things, that no matter how disgusting it seems, I just HAVE to try..
Wow. Who knew so many of the Canadish people were so close-minded? Can you imagine the furor that would ensue if you served them a Double Chocolate Stout with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it?
With Hershey's chocolate sauce on top of the beer, right St Lance?
Grr. Since when HAVEN'T Canadish people been closedminded, st. lance?!
7. Wonder what the big deal about sex is.
Sheena ,
What admire , is all luv true .
Subtle wink , will pull me thru...
I Luv your bacon ,
I Luv your Style ,
Won't take much Magic ,
To beguile ...
I've got the bacon, picking up the knutella next trip to costco, as well as some wine marinated herring from Ikea for a chaser..
yea baby
That's sum daring herring .
After a seven year absence ,
Young's Luxury Double-Chocolate Stout
is now available on LCBO shelves , in Ontario .
Cheers .
Sunday, June 8, 2008.
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