Do Not Get Thoust Panties In A Twist
Moving and Sheena's innerdnets access not hooked up yet....
Seeing the world through leopard-print glasses
Bought three pieces off the street at Queen W in that strip between Spadina and Soho in front of the Black Bull Tavern yesterday afternoon after a very nice burger and salad for lunch.
Labels: BlamBlog Can Eat My Heart Out
Dead City Collective artists work in many different media and idioms but they all share a Gothic sensibility. Pop Grotesque and Slap Stick Mutilation in the tradition of the Grand Guignol is often the order of the day. Much of the work displays a dark humour and playfulness despite the occasionally grim themes.Was super-excited to go, knowing that one of the artists is an occasional SheenaVision commenter and noted online wit. The spread was nice. Highlights were the homemade cherry tarts. The artist's lovely lady made them with the cherries from the tree in her front yard. They were really really good. Took one to go.
Their art portrays idiosyncratic and deeply personal meditations on Death, Sex, Human vs. Robot, Love and Loss, Evil vs. Less Evil, the Eccentric at odds with the merely Peculiar. MORE YIN, LESS YANG is the group’s 5th show together.
Sheena lurves Canada Day in Ottawa more than New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day combined. Probably mostly because it is usually warm out. This year was an extra special one, combining Sheena's birthday festivities, some surprise Americano visitors and a need to blow off a little steam. From this year henceforth, I have decided that there will be no more birthdays.
At 11:26 AM, Leatherhands said...
OK Sheenavision fans...larf of the day.
A young, blonde Leatherhands playing the drums and singing.
Like a girl.
Sheena is very picky about raw seafood and refuses to eat sushi in landlocked cities. However she will indulge in the Malpeques at Big Daddy's quite willingly. Other fans rave over the in-house special oyster sauces. Hot, mild, whatever. Sheena just goes for the middle bottle. The home made peppered vodka. Couple of splashes of that, a squeeze of lemon, and then swallow it all like it was the world's biggest loogie. One of the chickies landed late after the kitchen had closed. So we went to Marroush's for dessert. Sigh. I don't know what cologne he was wearing, but it made us swoon.
Note that none of these are Sheena's boobs.