Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A Rock God Speaks to SheenaVision fans....

At 11:26 AM, Leatherhands said...
OK Sheenavision fans...larf of the day.

A young, blonde Leatherhands playing the drums and singing.

Like a girl.

When Sheena read that comment today in the Sheena's Links post comments , she felt awed by the presence of CanCon greatness in her sphere of influence and became just a little bit humbled.

Ladies and Gentlemen. SheenaVision is proud to present:

Cats CAN Fly....


At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I had a perm like that once.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Whitenoise said...

Good on ya, LH. I used to have a nice little Premier kit with Tama hardware and Zildjian bronze. Had to sell it many years ago when laid off from my day job, never got a replacement...;-(

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Whitenoise said...

BTW, I was at the Dalbello launch party for "She". Were you drumming for her then?

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Leatherhands said...

It is I who is humbled, mighty Sheena. I used to think of this video as a porn film that kept coming back to haunt me; but in retrospect, it so accurately captures the mid eighties I've developed an affection for it.

Whitenoise...yes, it was indeed me who played at that most excellent Dalbello launch. (The first MuchMusic Big ticket to ever be broadcast live.)
Another fine memory.
I'm a Pearl sponsor now. I'm currently pounding a big-ass ol' fashioned rock kit.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Whitenoise said...

Very cool. :-)

Dude, you've got to get some war stories and old photos posted on your blog...

Other than goofing around in music stores, haven't touched a drum kit since I sold mine in '93. It's on the list- maybe one of those electronic Roland V-drum rigs...

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool! I played it twice....

At 9:14 AM, Blogger K-Dough said...

Guess what kiddos, mofos and brofos, faux-mos and homos - I'm fucking back. Read all about me today on my new and improved (exactly the same)blog.

I love you all. Muah.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Leatherhands said...

Whitenoise...(at the risk of turning the highly sophisticated Sheena's blog into an excruciating gear-talk thread..) pass on the electronic stuff. They've got some great sound samples but they still can't duplicate the physical feel. And electronic "cymbals" are still a dodgy affair.
Nothing made me happier then the return of ringy, acoustic drum sounds in popular music.
I've thought about getting my blog going with lots of war-stories, but I'm not sure people would be very interested. Maybe if I achieve actual fame one day....though that becomes less likely as I slowly aproach the big five-oh.

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Whitenoise said...

LH- I don't think Sheena minds, she loves musicians. ;-)

Get the blog going, dude. You have stories to tell and there are thousands of us corporate automatons who'd love to live out our rock star fantasies vicariously.

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who says they're fantasies? mine aren't

At 8:03 PM, Blogger Sheena said...

Fender! You get a fucking blog too!
Come on you slack ass musicians.

At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thought i'd save them for my book deal

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Sheena said...

Well, just don't hold out too long for that big American book deal or you'll end up like Eckler.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Whitenoise said...

...knocked out

(of the money)

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rocked out, literally

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Leatherhands said...

Well, Greg Godovitz wrote a book. And has a radio show now. Nice enough guy...but WTF?

At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... the drumming and singing was good ....but mullet-city? i just about barfed!

your truly had her own cd ....all tunes written by self.

and you're still at it, lh....good on ya , what a wretched industry!!

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Sheena said...

Oh Scout! Do tell!

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Candace said...

OH MY GOD!!! What a flashback that was, holy shmoly.

LH, relax. Even though I've never met you, I wouldn't recognize you from that very scary hair thing you had going. Nice strut, tho, although it's hard to strut while playing drums, so points for the effort. Kinda Jagger-ish.


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