Friendly Giant

Sitting with the usual suspects at Sweaty Betty's after work, debating what to do for dinner. "Has to be quick or take-out", Sheena demanded. Because tonight was a special night. "How about The Lakeview"? Walked past it a million times lately on Dundas W and Ossington. Some noses 'round the table crinkled. Have read some sketchy reviews, but recall seeing a "New Management" chalkboard sign last weekend, plus a cool blog entry with neat pictures of it lately, but shelved the idea for tonight.

Decided to fall back on a good old reliable. Friendly's on Queen W - between Dovercourt and the Drake hotel. If they have a web site, I sure as shit couldn't find it. Big fat greasy Banquet Burgers for $6.95. Gyros. Liver 'n Onions. All cooked by some big guy who hangs around the front door smoking when it's not busy inside. Watched some All-Stars hockey on the massive screen TV while we waited for dinner to be greasified. Great place to learn Eastern European slang from the newly arrived hottie blonde waitresses.

Not for those with sensitive colons. But cheap and fast and consistent. Sometimes that's a good thing.
Oh.. and some may wonder... WHY is tonight a special night? Because it's a CAT-astrophe.... Sheena gets two guest pussies for the week to complement her existing fur covered pettable purring machine.
O my cholesterol caked arteries are salivating!
only saw one hot east yerpean waitress a month ago
Sheena, greasy food is not good for you;)
And You have been tagges so check my blog.
tagged not tagges
so what is your BrickBreaker score exactly?
tagges my blog, too, joanne. but i ate at "the works" last night because, although i am a vegetarian, there's no law against eating meat. i think i'll do that when i want meat - go out to a hamburger joint and have dinner. the avril avocado avalanche was overdone but i liked that it wasn't huge. i won't go back for a while - the food took too long in coming and then it wasn't anything to write home about.
sooey, you are tagged too then.
Brickbreaker score to date is 9880, up to level 18.
31,310, being some level in Round 2 in the high 20's-I recall there are 32 levels.
don't nobody tag me, last one ended up marrying me, beware!
OK, Joanne, I'll think up a post tonight. And who gives a shit if greasy food isn't good for you. LIFE isn't good for you.
Wow, RC. I only know 2 other people who've cracked 10,000.
Level 16 is a killer (the U shape). Once you master that one you'll find it's not that hard to keep going for quite a few more levels.
I know some people who have multiples of 100,000.....
By the way, it's not the burger that will kill you, but all the refined carbs in that bun and the trans fats in the fries! ;)
Yay, Sheena! You said you would blog about Friendly's! Excellent BLTs! Cheap beer, too.
I had a small Rickards for $3.50.
RC? I've beat Level 16 a few times. With a Gun it's no sweat.... but have also beat it without.
for your feb. 1st campy music night:
'ho, brahz, sistah, howzit? da kine you play pono. no let show be pow...gotta break da mouth on the food an' listen to da kine play.
something like that :)
I'vee only made it to level 7 or 8, but I'm a newbie and only play when I'm sitting on the TOILET.
That's why i NEVER talk on anyone else's phone, KD...
I never had a problem with the Lakeview's food - it was okay, not great or even very good, but the service was the killer. I've known several people to work there, and they tell horror stories of never having much of anything on the menu. When your server disappears for 20 minutes? It's because they're running to Dominion to buy your order for the kitchen to serve.
But the milkshakes were f***ing unbeatable.
Curious what it is like these days.
I know that cool place you ate at - never been there, though. Sounds cool.
My cat is my best friend. He frequently brings home some friends through the open window and has a snack and entertains. I woke up one night to find FOUR of them in my bedroom. Which was pretty cool. So congratulations on the guests.
Well, Jason.. One cat is just an asshole. He hisses at everything for no particular reason, and the other one is just emotionally stunted, hiding under the bed 24/7, mostly because he's had to grow up with the hissing asshole most of his life.
I hope thier getting lots of play time... your pussy's I mean.
The cute short-haired pussy is getting playtime, but I'm keeping my distance from the hissing asshole. Funny how they look sort of alike from a distance.
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