Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Unfortunately Named Professionals

No.. not her. THIS guy...

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter has refused to cooperate in an investigation into whether she voted in the wrong precinct, so the case will probably be turned over to prosecutors, Palm Beach County's elections chief said Wednesday.

Elections Supervisor Arthur Anderson said his office has been looking into the matter for nearly nine months, and he would turn over the case to the state attorney's office by Friday


At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gaawwwwwwwwd! could she get any thinner???? oo, it would be so nice if she were nabbed for something. 9 months, k, that's gestation period, maybe this thing will give birth to a two headed monster, ach, ya, nice!

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Joe Calgary said...

I thought Anne was a two-headed monster... look at that adams apple.

She's a he, who hasn't been found out.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Sheena said...

Grr... Ignore the skinny blonde!!! Lookit the name of the elections supervisor!

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Tarkwell Robotico said...


you laugh, but my friend M.C.I. Enron, has been out of work for a couple of years now and he's really good a cooking the books.

and my other friend, Exxon Valdez, is still reeling from his parents bad choice in names!

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Tarkwell Robotico said...

but she isn't attractive. I don't know why they play up her biafran look.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to be anal, (ok, I am being anal) but his name is not spelt the same...the accounting firm was Arthur Andersen.

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Sheena said...

What accounting firm?

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Joe Calgary said...

So your saying "Mark Denies jimming Clouter"? or were you refering to her lawyer, Marcos Daniel Jimenez D'Clouet.

I'm missing something Sheena, being the dumb fuck I am. Perhaps you can explain it to me before I gag more at the picture of Clouter.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Tarkwell Robotico said...


get an email address attached to your profile. or don't bitch about my drinking wine on front street alone!


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