Friday, July 07, 2006

Stupid Bar Tricks - Part 2

#3. The Tequila Eyeball. Must be seen to be appreciated. No pictures so that Sheena's younger readers are not tempted to try this at home.

Pour a shot of tequila. Clench it with eye socket and whip your head back. Let the tequila slowly roll down the cheek and consume with awaiting open mouth. Visine chaser recommended.

#4. Vodka Nose Candy. Pour a shot of vodka into a short rocks glass. Two short straws. (A multi-player game if desired). On the count of 3, shove straw up nose and inhale, sending the triple distilled 80 proof into sinus passages, swallow as one would a big giant loogie.

Note that Sheena herself did not have the gonads to try any of these bar tricks, but sincerely appreciates the efforts of those who did.


At 10:07 AM, Blogger Leatherhands said...

Jesus Sheena. I can deal with the imagined pain in scenario #3, but the ...Oh Christ I can't even mentally go there....horrible #4 just got my gag reflex going. Must..find..little puke in..

At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am glad you didn't have the gonads, Sheena, but surely you had the eggs! A wise conservation choice, nonetheless.

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheena, you could have warned us to take our contacts out before trying #3. I've been walking around reeking of tequila with one contact in since lunch.
Thanks a lot!

At 11:19 PM, Blogger the mystic said...

Well ewwwww, but I still wish you had some pictures!

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Sheena said...

I do, MWA, but I still haven't mastered photoshop enough to do the big black bar over faces to protect the identity of the not very innocent.


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