Saturday, November 18, 2006

La Charreada

Under the lip-crackingly dry Phoenix sunset, Sheena sat wide-eyed at her first exposure to traditional Mexican Rodeo this week. An emphasis on horsemanship, elegance, discipline. What a difference from the violent spittle-flying antics of usual American style rodeo.

Corona Ranch provides a fascinating show (and kick ass margaritas) introducing vulgarians to the equine ballet known as Cala de Caballo. These guys would put some of the toffee-nosed Dressage twits to shame. Then on to El Paso de la Muerte (The Pass of Death....) - a scary name for a scary event in which the rider jumps from his own horse on to a bareback bronc.

The finale was the flawlessly performed Escaramuza - the women's precision riding team. Dressed in traditional Mexican flouncy dress RIDING SIDESADDLE no less... these skilled riders looked like the Musical Ride in drag. Mother-daughter teams too... the youngest riders 9 and 10 years old. Amazing confidence on their faces as they exert complete mastery over their 2000 pound mounts.

Though, Sheena wondered... Isn't it a school night?


At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and here i only ever thought of the lonely gaucho riding about the mexican plains.

this year i hope to take in a hawaiian rodeo where the 'paniolo' does his thing. i have NO idea what their version is.....barrell racing while holding bowls of poi?

would love to see the mexicans make dressage look like a clumsy art though.....while i like watching dressage , at one point i photographed horse shows and the dressage people were just oh too stuffy for me!

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gawd. you anti-american bitch!


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