Saturday, April 22, 2006

Oh Thank Heaven!

My first 7-11 Taquito was consumed in the fall of 2000 in Riverside California. Paying homage to fallen Canadian
driving star Greg Moore who was killed at the Fontana Superspeedway on Halloween '99, my race buddy and I proceeded to ingratiate ourselves with local tailgaters at the track parking lot and several hours later got a wicked case of the fast-food munchies.

Cheap, greasy, cheesy and hot off the grill. A girl couldn't ask for anything better. Needless to say, an addiction and fascination was born.

I speak of this today because Sheena tasted the new-ish Potato Skin Taquito at a local Toronto 'Sev this morning for breakfast. A little drier than the currently favoured Monterey Jack, but certainly better than the too-sour Buffalo Wing and well, frankly.. ANYthing is better than the gooey white gross-out concoction they call the Jalapeno Cream Cheese taquito. It is patently unfair to put the Craplepno ones in the same food category as the others.

Now, one can buy frozen packs of taquitos in some of the big-box grocery stores. Sheena is not sure which ones, because she doesn't do that sort of thing. And even at some of the urban American 'Sevs can you find it in your depanneurds freezer. But I think part of the magic of the taquito is buying it lukewarm off the rollers, flavoured by its legally mandated 8 hour day soaking up the grease slicks of last night's Big Bite Smokey Dog.

The puzzling thing is the utter lack of taquito product discussion on the official corporate 7-11 site. Two hits. That's it. For shame, Sheena says. Taquitos are God's nightcap after a long pubcrawl. A decent base breakfast for the morning after. Sometimes, on a good weekend...both.


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