Alma Matters
Dirty little secrets come in all shapes and sizes. I've never met anyone else with this particular hidden angst. It is something that has never been publicly discussed. Until yesterday. Still not sure why it was blurted out.
My Bachelor of Arts degree has a spelling mistake on it.
"with all the rights and priviliges thereto appertaining"Now, Sheena is a bit of a stickler for good grammar and spelling. Clear and effective communication is essential in the 21st century knowledge-based economy. The ability to convey one's thoughts and get a point of view recognized is a skill in increasingly short supply.
It took a couple of years to put my finger on exactly what was wrong with the Diploma. Instinctively something seemed off. "Privilege", according to is:
A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, class, or caste. Such an advantage, immunity, or right held as a prerogative of status or rank, and exercised to the exclusion or detriment of others.One would expect that a piece of paper signed and sealed by the Chancellor, the President, the Director of Records and the Dean might actually have been proofread. But perhaps one of the advantages, immunities, permissions, rights or benefits enjoyed by the aboveforementioned academic executives is usage of the Damilic M750.
i complained about a spelling mistake on my degree until i met a man with KNOW SHOOS!!
Err.. Anonymous? I believe it is spelted "Jimmy Choos"??
baluga or is it beluga!
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